MIGHTEX Polygon1000 DMD方式 パターンイルミネーター 任意領域光刺激装置

MIGHTEX Polygon1000 Cellular-Resolution Patterned Illumination

Polygon1000 パターン照射光刺激装置









脳神経科学 シングルセル



自由行動 動物



Polygon 1000-G Polygon1000-DL
350nm-700nm 400nm-700nm
外部光源(LED推奨) 外部光源(レーザー光源推奨)
ライトガイド入力 SMA光ファイバー入力

MIGHTEX Polygon1000/400はオプトジェネティクス、光遺伝学、光刺激などで複数の特定箇所を同時に照射したい用途(Patterned Illumination)に最適のイルミネーターです。



照射箇所、照射波長、照射時間、照射強度をコントロールする空間パターンイルミネーション(Patterned Illumination)を使用することで、オプトジェネティクス(光遺伝学)、光刺激などのバイオサイエンス、ライフサイエンスの研究にされに新しい可能性を開くことができます。




Mightex Polygon 1000/400は高出力LED光源を最適なエテンデュを確保し高密度に照射することで、高い解像度を得ることができます。また、LED光源からの光を丁寧 にDLPパネルまで伝送し、それから顕微鏡を通しサンプルに照射するという独特の構成を持ちます。この独自の方法により高い光強度を保ったままの鮮明な画 像化を実現しています。




また、Nikon NIS Elementsにも対応しています。



またこのMightex Polygon 1000/400 イルミネーターはお客様がお持ちの倒立顕微鏡へも正立顕微鏡へもアダプタ等を使用して簡単に装着できるよう設計されています。







OASIS 光刺激システムでの使用例

オプトジェネティクス 、バイオサイエンス パターン照射 光刺激システム構成ガイド

Spatially patterned illumination with temporal and spectral control enables numerous new tech- niques in life-science applications.

For example, in optogenetics, selected neurons in a specimen slice can be activated or silenced with a user defined illumination pattern which leaves neighboring neurons unaffected .

Mightex Polygon400 multi-wavelength dynamic spatial illuminator (DSI) integrates the state-of-the- art spatial light modulators and high-power LEDs using a proprietary Etendue-preserving optical design to deliver high-intensity illumination patterns with superb resolution.

A Texas Instruments’ DLP spatial light modulator is used to display a user defined image pattern.

At the heart of the Polygon400 is a unique optical system that carefully delivers light from LED sources to the DLP panel and then through a microscope to the specimen plane.

Such a systematic approach makes it possible to achieve maximum optical intensity while maintaining diffraction-limited imaging per- formance.

Temporal performance is a key to many intended applications for Polygon400. With a frame rate of more than 4,000 fps and fast-switching LEDs, Mightex Polygon400 can deliver illumination pat- terns with micro-second precision.

Using the Polygon400 with external LED controllers also ena- bles wavelength switching in between illumination patterns at the highest frame rate.

A dedicated software allows users to generate illumination patterns as well as control illumination intensity and timing. The software also supports calibration between illumination patterns and im- ages acquired through any digital camera on a microscope.


Mightex Polygon400 is designed to be easily inserted into the infinity path of a microscope.

For inverted microscopes, the common point is usually the back port of the microscope where a fluo- rescence attachment is commonly placed. A filter cube is required to fold the DSI light path into the microscope.The filter cubes used for fluorescence observation serves this purpose well.

For upright microscopes we can provide a beam combiner cube to be inserted below the binocular/ trinocular unit.

The dichroic or mirror in the beam combiner directs the Polygon400 beam into the microscope light path.


A C-Mount version is available as well for both upright and inverted micro- scopes. Customers may specify up to three LEDs in the range of 400nm to 700nm to be included in the built-in light source engine (E Series).

A lightguide-coupled model Polygon400 (G Series) is also available where any light sources such as LEDs and arc lamps can be used for illumination. Note that the lightguide-coupled model does not have built-in LEDs.

Both the “E” Series of Polygon400 bypasses the internal LED controller and allows users to directly control the built-in LEDs through external LED drivers. The cathodes and anodes of built-in LEDs are connected to a multi-pin connector on the back panel of Polygon400.

External LED controllers enable several important features not supported by the internal LED controller.

One can achieve higher dynamic range, higher intensity resolution(>10bits), higher peak current in pulse mode, and faster response(<10ns).

The use of external LED controllers also makes it possible to control LED timing independent of the micro-mirror array. For example, while the micro-mirrors stay at a constant position, the LEDs can be modulated to generate desired intensity profile. On the other hand, when needed, strict synchronization between the LEDs and the micro-mirrors can be achieved via the external trigger signals provided by the Polygon400.


Mightex supplies a variety of LED controllers that can be used with the “E” and “G” series of Polygon400.

Software already includes synchronization features to support Mightex BLS- series LED controllers.

For third-party LED controllers, synchronization can be implemented via trigger signals or Polygon400 SDK.